Hello you all i'd like to give you the warmer of the
welcome 2 my blog, when i heard that i have to make a blog i think "you got to be kidding me" but then i realize that it could be usefull.. so here i am,.. i want to make this blog da funnier possible so i hope that you enjoy your visit..

I really enjoy the language i think that is very usefull because a huge percentage of people around the world could speak it..!

So enjoy your visit..!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Movie Questions

Question # 1:

What's the worst film than you have seen? Why?

In my opinion the worst film i have ever seen is Gothika with Halle Berry,because it a boring film and i never understand the move.

Question # 2:

What would you do to make it better?

I don't know probably i would do some changes on the script, and do some changes to the characters.

My Top Movies

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008


Uploaded on authorSTREAM by rumbinho


Those guys down are my friends, i really enjoy to spend time with them, it's cool to have friends that you know that will never brake you down. It's also hard to find people like my friends because even when we have the same interest we never agree when it's about going out somewhere, but the most of the time we have a blast.!


A beautiful person isn't that one who is prettier or hottest than another, been beautiful means to be helpful, to be smart, to be natural, a beautiful person could be a fat one or a skinny one. In my point of view the beautiful women right now is that one on the picture, because she doesn't needs to be make up to be pretty and look hot.


Whats a MEME?

Here there are some definitions:
A meme is:

  • An idea that, like a gene, can replicate and evolve.
  • A unit of cultural information that represents a basic idea that can be transferred from one individual to another, and subjected to mutation, crossover and adaptation.
  • A meme (pronounced /mēːm/) consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

  • This a meme I found when I visited my friend Bertha's blog. We are going to experiment with our first meme... so here it goes.... I answered these questions about my life and I am going to pass them to some of you... later you will pass those same questions to 3 more classmates you would like to know more about.

    What were you doing 10 years ago?

    Ten years ago... i was studying 4° grade in Juan XXIII, in Cabimas,

    5 things you have to do today:

    today i have to finish my homeworck, go to visit my girlfriend, eat, watch a TV show and go to the gym.

    Snacks I enjoy...

    i really don't like the snacks..could be the pop corns..

    Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
    i would do probably the same thing that now but with a fancy lifestyle.

    Three of my bad habits:
    i and very lazy,smoke and sleep a lot.

    5 places i have lived

    all my life i've lived in Cabimas

    5 jobs I have had:

    3 people I want to know more about:
    I would like to know more about: http://luisicamor5.blogspot.com/http://eymialejandraiv.blogspot.com/http://jaimefw.blogspot.com/