Hello you all i'd like to give you the warmer of the
welcome 2 my blog, when i heard that i have to make a blog i think "you got to be kidding me" but then i realize that it could be usefull.. so here i am,.. i want to make this blog da funnier possible so i hope that you enjoy your visit..

I really enjoy the language i think that is very usefull because a huge percentage of people around the world could speak it..!

So enjoy your visit..!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Movie Questions

Question # 1:

What's the worst film than you have seen? Why?

In my opinion the worst film i have ever seen is Gothika with Halle Berry,because it a boring film and i never understand the move.

Question # 2:

What would you do to make it better?

I don't know probably i would do some changes on the script, and do some changes to the characters.

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